
Love herrrrr........................

I'm back?!

Been away from my blog about 9 update, no log in..totally abundant it..*im so cruel..hehee...

Then, why I'm here?!

Coz.....Im super duper bored!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I'm facing phobia to come in office every morning.

Why? Because.....I have nothing to do here. Everyday sit in the office, waiting lunch time..after lunch, waiting the time to go back. I'm die-ing.............................


我想有些事情, 未必要跟任何人交代. 只要我知道自己在做什麽, 這樣就夠了
但是, 爲什麽那些人這麽喜歡干涉別人? 那麽喜歡説三道四?
很開心嗎? 爲什麽要把自己的快樂建築在別人的痛苦上呢?

*p/s: 爲什麽阿信沒在更新部落格啊?

Add on 2 new babies in my rack

Thanks Justin Koh for the Christmas gift. 陳威全 - 再見單身

Thanks Miss Leo for the birthday gift. 曹格 - 曹之在我

2 new born babies add on in my CD rack. Love them so so mucccchhhh.....

Busy weekends when year 2011 started

14th Jan 2011 --> 21st Jan 2011
Winter Taiwan Trip

3rd Feb 2011 --> 7th Feb 2011
Chinese New Year 2011

12th Feb 2011 --> 13th Feb 2011
Escape to PD & Melaka 2 days 1 night trip

17th Feb 2011 --> 20th Feb 2011
Trip to Pretty Island "Bali"
Finally, I have ended my busy weekends. Get back my holiday mood and fully concentrate in my working life.